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With so many online resources, knowing where to start when preparing for an Implementation Engineer - Data Protection Exam (NS0-528) exam can be tough. But with Implementation Engineer - Data Protection Exam (NS0-528) practice test, you can be confident you're getting the best possible NS0-528 exam dumps. Exam4PDF exam simulator mirrors the NS0-528 Exam-taking experience, so you know what to expect on NS0-528 exam day. Plus, with our wide range of Network Appliance NS0-528 exam questions types and difficulty levels, you can tailor your NS0-528 exam practice to your needs.
You are running a NetApp AFF A220 cluster. Each node has one volume. You create Snapshot copies on both volumes every four hours and keep the copies for 30 days. You are running out of disk space and want to free up space.
In this scenario, what do you do?
Answer: A
Your customer wants to ensure that the SnapMirror relationships are easily managed in a bidirectional, multi-cluster environment.
Which version of clustered Data ONTAP would you recommend?
Answer: D
In a clustered Data ONTAP environment, the customer is using SnapVault to back up data from aprimary to a secondary cluster. Policies, Resource Pools, and Storage Efficiency are configured in OnCommand Unified Manager 6.
OnCommand Workflow Automation takes care of the secondary provisioning. The customer wants to update the SnapMirror Policy witha custom Snapshot copy label.
What should be done to make sure that the Snapshot copies will be transferred to the secondary cluster?
Answer: A
You want to replicate data from ONTAP to NetApp Cloud Backup (formerly AltaVault). To prevent a conflict with another backup application, you need to update the policy that contains the backup schedule so that the backup runs at a different time of day.
Which product would accomplish this task?
Answer: C
What is SVM-DR in NetApp ONTAP?
Answer: C
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